Monday, October 4, 2010

You know you live in Grenada when...

* missed going to the grocery on thursday, so sorry,I guess you wont have chicken this week.
*...your favorite perfume is 30% Deet.
*...WALMART is now what you would consider to be a luxury
*...You spend $8 on a diet snapple for an extravagent afternoon treat
*...You will get cell phone service "if it pleases the lord".
*...Seeing a tomato is more exciting than a UFO sighting
*...You or someone you know has vomited after their wild ride in a reggae bus.
*...Blackouts last for whole days...not just a few hours
*...Drinking water scares you...but you have to just get over it.
*...Jerry Sienfeld's 2007 flop "Bee Movie" just came out at the box office.
*...Professors arrive to university events in a kayak.
*...You fill up your water bottle with warm water from a drinking fountain
*...You know how to respond to someone that yells WHAGUAN at you.
*...When someone yells "electrical fire", you turn off the lights and continue with class...with the lights off.
*...You love it when you see spiders because you know they eat mosquitos
*...You say things like "omg what I would give for a reasonably priced can opener".
*...You smile and wave when someone TOOTS their horn at you.
*...You progressively become less and less sanitary when washing dishes and preparing food because...meh, whatever, it's grenada.
*...Karaoke at a bar is done with a microphone and YouTube
*...You know what leaf to stand by to catch the bus off campus...there are no official bus stops.
*...You walk around paranoid about Dengue, but have no issue with the clouds of toxic smoke wafting from people burning their trash.
*...Straightening your hair is WILL become an afro on your walk to class.
* buy food from random strangers on the beach, on campus, in town...even though there is no FDA here.
*...University events provide alcohol because its cheaper than food.
*...A thunderstorm isnt just a thunderstorm...It's a borderline natural disaster.
*...It's totally normal to have a crab cross your path on the way to class.
*...When you get a sunburn, you use an actual aloe plant...
*...Stray dogs dogs and cats are friendly....but they WILL give you fleas. (wahhh ;) ).
*...VIP at a club costs $24 US dollars. and that includes all you can drink.
*...Everywhere you go, someone is trying to sell you a spice necklace.
*...You are severely anemic and you bruise like a peach.
*...A cab ride for 8 people costs 8 bucks total.
*...You are surrounded by water but the fish is all imported and ONE PIECE of sushi costs $2.
*...There are cows on the beach.
*...You find yourself strangely into Soca music all of a sudden.
*...You continue to swim in the ocean for hours even after repeatedly being stung by baby jelly fish.
*...Radio stations are in shacks off the beaten path.
*...A 30 min wait for fast food is EXCELLENT!
*...Your chicken fingers never came out because they "couldn't catch the chicken". No joke.
*...At least 3 times daily you look around and I live here.


  1. Hi Leila,

    They're actually called' bluggoe', here's a link

    Hope this helps and have fun discovering all things Grenada has to offer.


  2. LOL buy eggs even when they have been sitting in the blazing heat all day. PS. i shouted out to you in here..did you find it? :P
